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March 26 Update
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NEW YORK -- Thieves Target GPS Devices To Find Out Where You Live Dec 17, 2009 . Aside from making driving easier, the GPS devices have given some people a new . Two years ago, thieves stole a number of Acura cars from a corporation's . Your reg/ins only needs to be with in the car when you are. Evaluating Stolen Vehicle Recovery Systems - Jul 9, 2008 . Considering a Stolen Vehicle Recovery System? Most, like OnStar, use GPS Tracking; others, like LoJack, don't. . Professional thieves eventually figure a way around any new technology meant to prevent car theft. . Because of this, insurance companies offer owners a discount on the comprehensive .
GPS Tracking Systems/Theft Recovery Many car thieves are smart enough and capable of disarming or bypassing almost . you the owner paying a high deductible and higher insurance premiums. . the car thief makes, allowing you to easily navigate police to your stolen vehicle. Stolen Vehicle Tracking / GPS Vehicle Tracker / Car Insurance ... Insurance approved tracker - CobraTrak,is a stolen vehicle tracker with the . 25 % insurance discount for MOTORHOMES & CARAVANS if you fit . 85% of stolen cars registered after 1997 were stolen with the car keys**; Thieves break into .
Car Break-ins Can Cost You| USAA Aug 4, 2011 . The FBI reports that thieves broke into vehicles 1.49 million times in 2009, costing . Bonus: You may qualify for insurance discounts by using such products. . "The most commonly stolen items from vehicles are GPS units, . Does Any Insurance Cover Personal Belongings If the Car Was ... Adjusters must look for signs of insurance fraud, and allowing a thief easy access to . Will Insurance Cover the Cost if Your Car Is Stolen With the Keys in It?
In her ruling, Judge Lenard said in her 16 years on the bench, the case “Vehicle Theft Protection with GPS tracking devices Thief Stealing a Car . You might even receive a discount on insurance. . tracking and starter disabling for stolen vehicles, unauthorized use and non- payment.
Auto Theft GPS | LiveViewGPS - 1-888-544-0494 Recovering stolen vehicles with our auto theft GPS units and devices. . assured that your vehicle can be easily located, no matter where a thief takes it. . Check with your insurance company to see if they offer any discounts for these devices.
Vehicle Tracking GPS - Access Control System on Roads Mar 10, 2012 . Locating a stolen vehicle is the most obvious use of a GPS Vehicle . time for police to be able to apprehend the thief before the vehicle is damaged. . that insurance companies offer discounts on auto insurance of 5 - 15% if a .
Stolen Car Insurance Claim Process Make your stolen car experience less stressful by learning what insurance . The thief may have destroyed your interior or wrecked the vehicle. . Gps, car seat, Christmas presents, or cds, the list is endless of what might have been lost with your vehicle. . Most insurance companies offer a discount for having a car alarm.
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Most Stolen Cars and Auto Insurance Is your car on the “Most Stolen Cars” list? . There are many factors that influence car insurance rates, but a major factor is . Don't make it easy for a car thief. . GPS and wireless)—can be very effective in helping police recover stolen vehicles. . approach, you could qualify for an anti-theft discount on your car insurance.
THEFT TRENDWATCH: THIEVES USE GPS ON STOLEN CAR TO ... Apr 11, 2012 . Theft Trendwatch: Thieves Use GPS on Stolen Car to Locate Owner's Residence and Burglarize It; LoJack Helps Police Find Vehicle and .
Protecting your GPS system from car thieves | GPS Systems Oct 28, 2010 . GPS systems were listed as one of the top ten items stolen from cars and this . Many insurance companies offer premium discounts to vehicles .
PoliSeek Blog Feb 17, 2012 . Many auto insurance carriers are now including this important . An alarm and/or GPS tracking system can be effective at deterring thieves or recovering a stolen car. As a bonus, it may earn you a discount on your auto insurance for . Common targets include: o wallets or purses. o cell phones. o GPS . GPS Car Locator Helps Fight Car Theft And if you own any of these cars, your chances of being the victim of car theft increases. . Car Thieves In Action; Tips to help prevent your vehicle gettin. . require insurers to give car owners discounts for having anti-theft devices in their cars.
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What a Steal! Anti-Theft Devices Zap Car Insurance Rates | Fox ... Aug 15, 2011 . Improved technology designed to thwart thieves led to an estimated 7.2% drop . There's no set discount for what you can save on auto insurance by . emits a signal to police or monitors a stolen vehicle through GPS or radio .
There are three major components of the gps thief stolen car insurance discount Autism Legislation, each with an important function:
Auto Theft and Insurance: What You Need to Know | Feb 9, 2012 . Like all other major crimes, car theft is on the decline. . such as engine immobilizers and GPS enabled tracking devices. But even new technologies can sometimes be exploited, resulting in a class of thieves that use it to their advantage. . on car theft, car insurance companies offer substantial discounts to .
Older Cars Experiencing a Spike in Auto Theft Compare Auto Insurance Quotes with AgentInsure . at least give a thief second thoughts about making your vehicle the object of their attention. . Installing a GPS tracking system that will help the police locate your car if it's been stolen. . Education In Safety And Discounts · Easy Peasy Auto Insurance You Better Believe It .
Anti-Theft Device Discount – Save 5-30% on Your Auto Insurance Compare up to 10 free auto insurance quotes in your area in less than 15 minutes. . Each and every year, over a million automobiles will be stolen within the United States. . stoppers, certain passive alarm systems, and auto recovery GPS systems). . the starter, or your ignition system should a thief get behind the wheel.
GPS Tracker - GPS Reduces Car Insurance GPS trackers can help reduce insurance premiums by offering theft recovery and . You are here: Home GPS Tracking GPS Reduces Car Insurance . Therefore, if a situation were ever to occur where a car thief was able to break . to their vehicle that the likelihood of that vehicle being stolen and not recovered is very slim.
Allstate Auto Insurance Donating GPS Tracking Equipped Cars for ... Mar 26, 2009 . Allstate Auto Insurance Company is now going a step further in an all out . GPS auto tracking has been used as a tool for tracking and recovering stolen cars for quite some time now. . Using GPS Tracking to Bait Car Thieves .
Reducing your Car Insurance the High-tech Way | Personal Finance ... Feb 28, 2012 . Car insurance for most drivers will be one of their biggest . car insurance called “ Black box car Insurance” this system uses a GPS tracker . it a lot easier for police to retrieve stolen vehicles and catch car thieves. . improved so most insurance companies will offer a sizable discount to drivers who use this.
Car Insurance - Fine for an unlocked car | Allianz Australia Allianz - Car Insurance, Life Insurance, Home Insurance and General Insurance . thieves are ?responsible for about three out of every four stolen cars. . include cash, mobile ?phones, computers, cameras, car stereos, GPS units, . Car Insurance – Up to 10% discount for buying Allianz SureCover Plus Car Insurance online .
Colorofood – Car Insurance Tips Get the best deal on auto insurance with these tips and tricks. . Many companies give discounts to people who drive less. If you are looking to cut back on your car . Always take into account how desirable your car is to thieves. A commonly stolen car can cost much more to cover for theft. The consumer complaint ratio .
LoJack Success Stories Blog – Auto Theft Blog - Success Stories ... 6 days ago . (Video) Range Rover Stolen By Car Thief To Get to Court Click The Image To Watch The Video... iFeaturePro. Multiple Stolen Porsches .
Lojack Cost Alternative For Car | GPS Tracking Lo-Jack Costs A GPS Unit Can Help You Recover Stolen Vehicles And Track Your Fleet . hidden deep within your car to make it difficult for thieves to locate and disable them. . insurance companies offer up to a 35% discount for GPS Tracker and vehicle . Vehicle Tracking Devices - Prevent Auto Theft And Recover Stolen ... Vehicle Tracking Devices Help Prevent Motor Vehicle Theft. Real Time GPS Trackers Also Aid In Auto Theft Recovery. Plus Get Auto Insurance Discounts For .
Regional Auto Theft Task Force - Frequently Asked Questions - San ... Can I lower the cost of my auto insurance by getting a car alarm? Many insurance companies offer their customers discounts when they install and use car alarms and other . Does a ringing car alarm really stop a thief from steeling your car? . Will a GPS tracking device help me get my motorcycle back if it is ever stolen?
The compact will contain the following components:
A requirement that each signatory to the agreement increases coverage for behavior analysis and behavior assistant services, speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy;
Procedures for clear and specific notice to policyholders identifying the amount, scope, and conditions under which the services described in the preceding bullet point are provided;
Penalties for documented cases of denial of claims for medically necessary services for a developmental disability; and
Red Tape - Thieves leave the car, take the gadgets Jul 25, 2006 . Recently, I parked my car in Washington, D.C., and made sure to stash . by a rash of GPS thefts at mall parking lots -- 43 units stolen during three . Most of them end up in discount electronics stores in Manhattan 10 . Also worth noting, stolen gadgets from cars are not usually covered by auto insurance, .
How will the Developmental Disabilities Compact be regulated?
OnStar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . in October 2009 when a stolen Chevrolet Tahoe was recovered and its suspected thief . Since OnStar can help with the recovery of a stolen vehicle, some insurance . as a low-mileage driver, they may be eligible for an insurance discount. . retaining all the information collected by the GPS and internal system, so that it .
Red Tape - Thieves leave the car, take the gadgets Jul 25, 2006 . Recently, I parked my car in Washington, D.C., and made sure to stash . by a rash of GPS thefts at mall parking lots -- 43 units stolen during three . Most of them end up in discount electronics stores in Manhattan 10 . Also worth noting, stolen gadgets from cars are not usually covered by auto insurance, .
Vehicle Tracking Access Control System on Kerala Roads vehicle ... Feb 25, 2012 . GPS vehicle tracker stores Variety of Information such as Speed, . time for police to be able to apprehend the thief before the vehicle is damaged. . in finding stolen vehicles that insurance companies offer discounts on auto .
trucks being dispatched to vaguely-understood locations. GPS Insurance & Telematics: More Than Just Better Underwriting . recovery of stolen vehicles (via GPS tracking or cellular triangulation) and by providing a potential deterrent to would-be thieves (in the same way a home security system might .
GPS Tracking Systems for Tough Economic Times For these tough economic times, the incorporation of GPS tracking systems . by thieves can quickly lead authorities to stolen merchandise and criminals. . With record numbers of car dealerships set to close in 2009, and remaining car . Check with your insurance company to inquire about their policy on discounts for GPS .
Car Security Systems: Information About LoJack Car Recovery ... When a LoJack customer's vehicle is stolen and they report it to the police, the police . on unobstructed line of site view like GPS satellites and GPS tracking antennas. . and many times within hours recover the vehicle and possibly even the thieves. . recovery time and it's rare to hear of a possible insurance discount.
US Auto Theft Hot Spots | Winzer Insurance Jan 26, 2012 . According to recent reports, there are over 2000 cars stolen everyday. . of stolen vehicles, but some insurers will also offer a discount for installing . Other sought after items amongst thieves are GPS units, Xenon headlights .
How to File a Claim for a Stolen Vehicle - CarsDirect Aug 10, 2009 . 10 Car Insurance Discounts That Can Save You Money . If your car has On-Star or a similar system, they should be able to help you find the car via GPS. Contact the . Investigating a car theft on your own can be dangerous.
Protect your assets with MyLaptopGPS! Another laptop is stolen every 12 seconds – 2.6 million per year. . is eligible to receive a 5% discount on a new or existing Safeware Insurance Policy. . In your favorite movie, the hero probably plants a beacon in the thief's car, follows the .
Military AutoSource - LoJack Protection Plan Unlike GPS products, LoJack technology can find stolen vehicles in garages, steel . in the vehicle (stealth installation), preventing thieves from discovering and . may provide discounts on your comprehensive auto insurance up to 33%.
Why LoJack? Vehicle tracking with no monthly cost and a 90 ... However, the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System will help the police track . line of sight between the vehicle's satellite antenna and orbiting GPS satellites. . Other systems rely on a short visible antenna that can easily be broken off by a thief. . Stolen Vehicle Recovery System may qualify for a discount on insurance.
Guidepoint Automotive Solutions | Vehicle Security and Stolen ... Theft Facts Recovery Stories Insurance Discounts The GPS Difference Member Rewards . Let Guidepoint's be your secrect weapon against thieves. . Guidepoint is the only aftermarket system that offers stolen vehicle recovery, online . Some think that once a GPS-equipped car is underground or parked in a garage, the .
Security systems and anti-theft devices Feb 1, 2009 . According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), almost 24% of . In 1998, thieves stole 8.4 percent fewer cars than in 1997, but the . There are removable stereos and GPS systems that can be tucked away while a vehicle is . to give car owners discounts on their comprehensive insurance for .
OnStar: Information from . in October 2009 when a stolen Chevrolet Tahoe was recovered and its suspected thief was . Since OnStar can help with the recovery of a stolen vehicle , some insurance . as a low-mileage driver, they may be eligible for an insurance discount. . start retaining all the information collected by the GPS and internal system, .
Vehicle Theft and Break-Ins... o Cell Phones, GPS Receivers, Laptops, and IPods, (Basically any type of easy to sell . target for thieves, you may get a discount from your insurance company. . A locking gas cap means the thief won't be able to put gas in your stolen car .
Welcome to OnStar windows to warn potential thieves. And, if you lock your keys in . Insurance Discounts Enabled by OnStar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 . . use GPS technology to pinpoint the exact location of your stolen vehicle and provide it to the .
Stolen Car Facts | The truth is that many vehicles on the "hot" list are in demand by thieves because their . The model years of the most-stolen vehicles range from 1988 to 2003 and the . You can get an insurance discount if you own a vehicle on the hot car list by . GPS tracking devices will work well if you do not have OnStar monitoring.
Vehicle Tracking Device Review. Does Vehicle Recovery stop ... Vehicle Tracking & Recovery Systems don't stop car thieves from stealing your . LoJack, Onstar & either radio or GPS systems don't do anything until after your vehicle is already stolen . and "cited repeatedly by police and insurance consultants". . providing discounts to low-income people; and building relationships with .
Don't Be an Easy Target | Vicki Gabereau – ICBC's (somewhat ... Jun 6, 2011 . Think thieves wouldn't be interested in stealing your car because it's not all new . I've learned that the average age of a stolen vehicle in BC is around 11 years old. . like an immobilizer, you could get a discount on your insurance and a . by police dispatchers through GPS tracking until the thief is caught.
TRACKER Locate Car Tracker inc. Nationwide Installation ... THE WAR AGAINST CAR THIEVES IS A LONG WAY FROM BEING OVER . Amidst conflicting reports on car theft figures, TRACKER, the stolen vehicle . Unlike any other stolen vehicle tracking device, TRACKER combines GSM, GPS and . offering added quality assurance and the possibility of an insurance discount.
Coverage is subject to the following limitations:
Recovering Stolen Bikes, ATVs and Trailers Get coupon discounts and the latest product news. . If your bike is stolen there are GPS tracking devices that can possibly help you catch the thief and recover your vehicle. . A study by the Progressive Group of Insurance Companies revealed which motorcycle is the most likely to be stolen, least likely to be stolen, most .
Florida Insurance | Providing the best insurance for the best price Jul 5, 2011 . The most popular cars have ranked high by thieves because some of their parts are interchangeable. Air bags, Xenon headlights, GPS systems, and even catalytic . Vehicle insurance for the most stolen car types can be affected . for most drivers, auto insurance companies will give discounts to the base .
Pick-Up Trucks and Cadillac Escalade Most Stolen Vehicles in US ... Aug 27, 2011 . Pickup trucks take the next four spots in the stolen vehicle rankings. . Field Logix - Green GPS Fleet Tracking & Management System . The study results show the Cadillac Escalade is the most popular choice for car thieves. The study, based on insurance claims made for model year 2008 . News Promo .
Consumer Complaints about OnStar Each time I call, they put me on hold for 20 minutes and the car just beeps . So if your car is stolen and the thieves know that they can disable your OnStar GPS . She got the supervisor on the phone who offered to discount my monthly . I then went in the house and called my insurance and had My car towed to Saturn.
lojack However, with the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System, you can take . line of sight between the vehicle's satellite antenna and orbiting GPS satellites. . Other systems rely on a short visible antenna that can easily be broken off by a thief. . Stolen Vehicle Recovery System may qualify for a discount on insurance.
Stolen GPS Systems, Devices, Help With Home Burglaries - Ask Sid ... Sep 9, 2011 . GPS devices are easy grab-and-go items stolen for easy cash and they can assist in a home burglary. . Using the GPS device, thieves drove the car to the owner's home, where . The advice can apply as well to your registration and insurance . AARP Discounts on Consumer Cellular Phones and Plans .
Car Safety: Learn About Holiday Shopping Safety Tips from ... Skip Navigation Link Nationwide Auto Insurance - On Your Side About Us . laptop computers, GPS systems, satellite radios and other small electronic devices are a car burglar's dream. Small and easy to conceal, these are the types of items most often stolen from a car. Sitting in plain sight, they attract a thief's attention.
Black Box Car Insurance Helps in Car Theft Recovery Apr 5, 2012 . Black box car insurance has other benefits as well and one is that it can help in . strive to stay within safe driving guidelines and be rewarded with discounts. . Black box car insurance uses a GPS unit that is installed into the car's dashboard. . In the event of a theft situation the thief would be unaware the .
Save on Auto Insurance with Anti-Theft Devices Sep 7, 2011 . As part of the auto insurance quote process, you'll need to provide . you'll pay more for auto insurance because the chances of your car being stolen or . But, cars with anti-theft devices may qualify for discounts on auto . to the vehicle and hopefully convince a potential car thief to give up. . GPS Devices .
Lojack | Keyes European | Los Angeles | Los Angeles Mercedes ... The LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System gives you a 90 percent chance of recovering your car . dense foliage and other places thieves may try to hide your vehicle. . Unlike GPS systems, which require line-of-sight access to orbiting satellites, . Stolen Vehicle Recovery System may qualify for a discount on insurance.
Preventing Car Theft - Learning Center - State Farm Insurance Jan 6, 2010 . It's amazing what an experienced car thief can do with a sliver of an opening. . If your car is stolen, it can be tracked and recovered using GPS, . Crime statistics Using the FBI's average valuation of $6173 per stolen vehicle, this amounts to over $7.6 . The National Insurance Crime Bureau's (NICB) companion study to its . but many thefts occur because owners make it easy for thieves to steal their cars. . to sophisticated GPS tracking and starter immobilizer shut down technology.
Lock Smith - Automotive Locksmith We can help with broken and lost car keys, faulty locks, lock-outs, . cases of opportunist thieves breaking into vehicles on the off-chance that the GPS . means that your vehicle will be tracked and recovered as soon as it triggers as stolen. . and prestige models and can earn you a discount off your insurance premiums too.
PROTECTING YOUR VEHICLE KEEP YOUR VALUABLES AND ... to car thieves: Cell phones, GPS receivers, laptops and iPods (or any other type of easy to sell . for thieves, you may get a discount from your insurance company . You should also . able to put gas in your stolen car - shortening his joy ride.
Compare Co-operative Smartbox Insurance While other black box type car insurance products give discounts for not driving . This is particularly important should the vehicle be stolen as the Smartbox can be . As mentioned earlier, the Smartbox, being a GPS data device, small, and . help in the authorities apprehending and prosecuting the thieves responsible.
Anti-Theft Devices | Car Theft UK Facts, Figures & Helpful Advice About Car Theft In The UK & How To Avoid It. Home . More expensive cars can be fitted with a GPS tracking device. This can . All these devices will make it more difficult for a thief to take the car and also reduce car insurance premiums. . Discounts On New UK Cars From Orangewheels: .
Vehicle tracking devices put under the spotlight Car insurance discounts · Multi-car insurance . Devitt Motorcycle insurance . Tracker provide the most well known stolen vehicle recovery system, using VHF . Many vehicle tracking systems use Global Positioning System (GPS) . This means the car is safely brought to a stop at traffic lights or a junction and the thief is .
Grand Theft Auto: How Not to Be a Victim of Car Theft Title: The #1 Way to Save Money on Your Car Insurance . It might be a GPS- based system, a radio frequency tracker or a system . Use your head, use the tools available to you and the chance that you'll be a car theft victim will go down considerably. . Title: Top 5 Insurance Premium Reductuion Methods and Discounts .
Advances in technology Lead to Reduction in Auto Thefts | Cheap ... Jun 29, 2011 . A majority of vehicles are still stolen because the thief has hotwired the car. . OnStar can use the vehicle's GPS or global positioning satellite to track down the vehicle. . It has also helped to reduce car insurance premiums for drivers . an additional discount for bundling my home insurance on my policy .
Picking an Insurance-Friendly Car Auto insurance is designed to protect you and your finances in the event of an accident. . The best way to avoid getting your car stolen is to practice common sense. . your car, particularly if it's a specialty vehicle, you should consider a GPS-based . systems, even allow for remote vehicle disabling to further thwart thieves.
lo-jack-safety - Sunnyside Toyota | New Toyota dealership in North ... The patented LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System includes a small Radio Frequency . LoJack owners may be eligible for insurance discounts. . line of sight between the vehicle's satellite antenna and orbiting GPS satellites. . Other systems rely on a short visible antenna that can easily be broken off by a thief.
Guard Dog GPS - FAQ I have an alarm system sign outside my home to deter thieves. . Can I get a discount from my insurance company if I have a Guard Dog GPS in my vehicle? Yes, insurance companies see the value in recovering a stolen vehicle quickly and .
Preventing Car Theft/Car Burglary Stolen cars, vans, trucks and motorcycles cost victims time and money--and . But you can easily outsmart the car thief by following the simple advice given below. . Cell Phones, GPS Receivers, Laptops, and IPods, (Basically any type of easy to sell . target for thieves, you may get a discount from your insurance company.
Does having a security system affect car insurance rates? The majority of car insurance providers offer an insurance discount for cars that have a security system. . car alarm, the noise will scare the car thief away before they actually steal something. . If a car with an OnStar system is stolen, all that the driver has to do is call OnStar and the company can track the car by its GPS.
Testimonials - Auto Security You Can Count On With The Ravelco ... A car thief would have to have several hours to figure out where the wires go and . good insurance and a low deductible as I do, having your car stolen results in . The only thing that was missing is my GPS system which is only worth $200, .
LoJack Security Systems for Stolen Vehicle Recovery, GPS tracker ... Auto Security - LoJack Security Systems for Stolen Vehicle Recovery, GPS tracker . Theft Facts · Insurance Discounts · LoJack vs. . The LoJack system is installed in a hidden location, making it undetectable so thieves don't know it's there.
NEWS - New York Auto Insurance Use Available Discounts – Car insurance discounts are a great way to lower car insurance . Items often targeted by thieves include jewellery, computer equipment, . Insurance companies love the GPS tracking systems because a stolen . A1 Auto Insurance - The best car insurance you will ever find. The majority of American auto insurance companies base rates on a customerís current credit score, . This will prevent a thief from being able to alter the number. . A clear photo may also help the police locate your stolen vehicle. . Many insurance companies will offer you a discount for purchasing more than one type of .
GPS Tracking LandAirSea » Blog Archive » Top Car Theft ... Dec 18, 2009 . Top Car Theft Preventative: GPS Tracking . Car thieves do some of their best and quickest work in plain sight. . Insurance companies offer discounts between 3 percent and 15 percent, when the insured vehicle is equipped .
Car Anti Theft System Mar 16, 2011 . Car anti theft system works to keep your car from being stolen or . Purchasing insurance helps you in the event of an accident, . others have an entire car anti theft system installed to deter thieves . These devices use a global positioning system (GPS) to pinpoint the exact location of the car at all times.
LoJack - Stolen Vehicle Recovery Systems | When it comes to protecting your new vehicle, there's no more effective system than LoJack, the world leader in stolen vehicle recovery. . Unlike GPS products, LoJack technology can find stolen vehicles in garages, steel . LoJack tracking systems may provide discounts on your comprehensive auto insurance up to 33 %.
Auto | Guard Dog GPS PR Aug 8, 2011 . Combat these latest bands of car thieves with a Guard Dog GPS . Auto GPS- Insurance premium discounts for installed Guard Dog GPS AutoTrac . You will want to track and report the position of a stolen vehicle every few . The Most-Stolen Cars - And How to Protect Yours | Oct 22, 2010 . Insurance agent NOW 1.800.726.4780 . Auto Insurance Quotes . The popular import was the most-stolen car in the United States in 2009. Tweet . According to NICB's report, car thieves presently prefer to steal car models from the 90s. . to always lock their vehicles and remove valuables, including GPS .
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